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6980 books
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  ID Titolo Autore  
FRP01027 5106 Samara : guide to modern architecture: 1917-2006 several
FRP01028 5107 Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering. KazGASA 2013-2015 several
FRP01029 5108 Parola chiave per uscire dalla crisi Fabrizio Galimberrti (a cura di)
FRP01030 5109 Romanovi. Tri veka. Pechatnaja grafica XVII-XIX vekov IZ sobranija. Gosudarstvennogo hudozhestvennogo muzeja several
FRS02801 5110 Ku nowej filozofii dziedzictwa Andrzej Tomaszewski
FRS02802 5111 Geografie, storie, paesaggi per un'Italia da cambiare free free
FRS02803 5112 Mythological space of Dasht-i-Qipchaq in Aubakir Ismailov's paintings free free
FRG00664 5114 EGA. Revista de expresión gráfica arquitectónica. N°22. Conversando con... Juan Navarro Baldeweg -----
FRS02804 5115 Cav. Pietro Savio di Alessandria. Giappone e altri viaggi Teresa Ciapparoni La Rocca
FRS02805 5116 National Customs and Traditions. Kazakh Etiquette free free
FRG00666 5118 Krzeszow. Europejska perla baroku/Grussau. Die Europaische Barockperle several
FRG00667 5119 Ugra Subpolar Ural Alexey Schukin
FRG00668 5120 Sankt-Peterburg -----
FRP01031 5121 History of Medicine. Manual A.V., I. A. Grigoryants, Sukhareva
FRP01032 5122 Traditional Art Education in the Context of Modern Art, 15-18 May 2012, Moscow. Internationa conference -----
FRG00669 5123 Sankt-Peterbur. Severnaja Venezija po rekam i kanalam T.E. Lobanova
FRG00670 5124 Polish Painting. Realism and Naturalism Ewa Micke-Broniarek
FRS02806 5125 Can we learn from the heritage lost in a fire? Experiences and practises on the fire protection of historic buildings in Findand, Morway and Sweben Annu Laurila (ed.)
FRS02807 5126 Leonardo 2011. IX National Festival of Architecture 'Minsk.2011' -----
FRS02808 5127 Leonardo 2011. IV Minsk International Biennale of Young Architects -----
FRS02809 5128 Samara. Symbols of Time Vladimir Vostrikov
FRP01033 5129 Svetitskhoveli 1700 Badri Vadachkoria
FRS02810 5130 The Architecture of The Public Dwellings of Old Yerevan Ruben Melkumian
FRS02811 5131 Perm Alive Galina Yankonvskaya (ed.)
FRS02812 5132 Perm region. Beginning of Europe -----
FRS02813 5133 Słownik terminów gwarowych budownictwa i architektury Podhala, Spisza i Orawy Bonawentura Maciej Pawlicki
FRS02814 5134 Exit/13. Architectour. Departement PHL - Architecture/PHL University College -----
FRS02815 5135 Hvittrask. Guidebook Jouni Marjamaki
FRS02816 5136 arta krakowska 2000 - 10 lat później/Cracow Charter 2000 - 10 Years Later Andrezej Kadluczka (ed.)
FRS02817 5137 Perm and the Perm Region several