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6980 books
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  ID Titolo Autore  
FRP01042 5228 Zhemchuzhini zemli. Ivanovskoj. Fotoalbom Vladimir Pobedinskij
FRP01043 5229 10 luchshih osobniakov Ivanovo-Voznesenska A. M. Tihomirov
FRS02893 5230 Vladivostokskij albom / Teh Vladisvostok Album Eleonora Lord Pray
FRS02894 5231 Ocherki po shekspirovskoj leksikografii O.M. Karpova
FRS02895 5232 Yadkiarlerde - Tukaj ruhy / The Relics Keep the Soul of Tukay -----
FRS02896 5233 Welcome to the University of the Future: FEFU Far Eastern Federal University -----
FRS02897 5234 Nasledie zemli Vladimirskoj. Monumentalnaja zhivopis / The Heritage of Vladimir Land. Monumental Painting -----
FRS02898 5235 Florence in the Works of World Famous People: Cultural Heritage Encyklopedic Dictionary of Associative Type -----
FRS02899 5236 Florence in the Works of World Famous People: Cultural Heritage Encyklopedic Dictionary of Associative Type -----
FRS02900 5237 Sankt-Peterburg. Istoria poroda / Saint-Peterburg. History of the City -----
FLD00070 5238 San Gimignano. Preparazione per il libro -----
FLD00071 5239 Incontro Rotari Firenze Est 10.11.2005 -----
FLD00072 5240 Quebec 2008 -----
FLD00073 5241 Moscow 2008 -----
FLD00074 5242 Apertura Palazzo Coppini. Rapporti con Ambasciate -----
FLD00075 5243 Round Table. 15.03.2008 -----
FRS02901 5244 Campolonghi. Architecture and Decoration with Stone -----
FRS02902 5245 Vchutemas. Le origini dell'avanguarda russa / Sourses of the Russian Avant Guarde -----
FRS02903 5246 Rescuing the Hidden European Wooden Churches Heritage - an International Methodology for Implementing a Database for Restoration Projects Gennaro, Michela Tampone, Semplici (a cura di)
FRS02904 5247 L'Accademia di Belle Arti Jan Matejko di Cracovia. 180 anni di tradizione /Akademia Sztuk Pieknych im. Jana Matejki w Krakowie. 180 lat tradycji / The Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow. 180 Years of Tradition several
FRS02905 5248 L'Accademia di Belle Arti Jan Matejko di Cracovia. 180 anni di tradizione /Akademia Sztuk Pieknych im. Jana Matejki w Krakowie. 180 lat tradycji / The Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow. 180 Years of Tradition several
FRS02906 5249 Dialogue with Environment -----
FRS02907 5250 Royal River. Power, Pageantry & the Thames David Starkey
FRS02908 5251 Rezydencje nr.2(10) -----
FRS02909 5252 A Firenze con i viaggatori e i residenti polacchi / Florencja polskich podroznikow i mieszkancow / Polish Travellers and Residents in Florence Luca Bernardini
FRP01044 5253 Nuove tecnologie sulle vie dell'arte. Appunti Vito, Ugo Vito, Di Tulio (a cura di)
FRS02910 5254 Elettrosmog. Un finlandese indaga in Toscana Vittorio Poli
FRS02911 5255 Il fascino di Gubbio Lanfranco, Giancarlo Bertolini, Sollevanti
FRS02912 5256 Buongiorno Finlandia Vittorio Poli
FRS02913 5257 In Lapponia con acerbi Vittorio Poli