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6980 books
Page 191/233

  ID Titolo Autore  
FRS03120 6038 Eine Zukunft für unsere Vergangenheit. Zum 40. Jubiläum des Europäischen Denkmalschutzjahres (1975–2015) / A Future for Our Past. The 40th Anniversary of European Architectural Heritage Year (1975–2015) / Un Avenir pour Notre Passé. 40e Anniversaire Michael, Wilfried Falser (Ed.), Lipp (ICOMOS Österreich/Austria/Autriche)
FRS03121 6039 Rīgas jūgendstila ēkas ceļvedis pa jūgendstila/ Art Nouveau Buildings in Riga. A Guide to Art Nouveau Metropolis Jānis Krastiņš
FRS03122 6040 Antonio Berti (1904-1990) Domenico Viaggiano
FRS03125 6044 Atsuta = 厚田 : re-vision for Hokkaido Ricchi, Takeo, Satoru Miyake, Ozawa, Kaku
FRS03123 6041 Missia Velikogo Knaza. Nuteshestvie Pavla Petrovicha v 1781-1782 Natalia Zazulina
FRG00716 6042 Badania architektoniczne. Historia i perspektywy rozwoju several
FRS03124 6043 Portrety i krykatury profesorow Politechniki Krakowskiej -----
FRS03126 6045 Giuliano Borselli. L'arte dell'amicizia l'orgoglio della fiorentinità -----
FRS03127 6046 Giuliano Borselli. L'arte dell'amicizia l'orgoglio della fiorentinità -----
FRS03128 6047 Giuliano Borselli. L'arte dell'amicizia l'orgoglio della fiorentinità -----
FRS03129 6048 Giuliano Borselli. L'arte dell'amicizia l'orgoglio della fiorentinità -----
FRS03130 6049 Giuliano Borselli. L'arte dell'amicizia l'orgoglio della fiorentinità -----
FRS03131 6050 Viaggio, Incontro, Ascolto. Ospitalità tradizionale. Carmen, Corinna Zinno, Del Bianco (Ed.)
FRS03132 6051 Viaggio, Incontro, Ascolto. Ospitalità tradizionale. Carmen, Corinna Zinno, Del Bianco (Ed.)
FRS03133 6052 Viaggio, Incontro, Ascolto. Ospitalità tradizionale. Carmen, Corinna Zinno, Del Bianco (Ed.)
FRS03134 6053 Viaggio, Incontro, Ascolto. Ospitalità tradizionale. Carmen, Corinna Zinno, Del Bianco (Ed.)
FRS03135 6054 Viaggio, Incontro, Ascolto. Ospitalità tradizionale. Carmen, Corinna Zinno, Del Bianco (Ed.)
FRS03136 6055 The Cultural Landscape of the Jelenia Gora Basin Romuald M., Piotr, Piotr Luczynski, Migon, Napierala
FRG00717 6056 Magdalena Abakanowicz: Potnia Theron -----
FRS03137 6057 How to Assess. Built Heritage? Assumptions, Methodologies, Examples of Heritage Assessment Systems. International Scientific Committee for Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration ICOMOS Boguslaw Szmygin (Ed.)
FRS03138 6058 How to Assess. Built Heritage? Assumptions, Methodologies, Examples of Heritage Assessment Systems. International Scientific Committee for Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration ICOMOS Boguslaw Szmygin (Ed.)
FRS03139 6059 How to Assess. Built Heritage? Assumptions, Methodologies, Examples of Heritage Assessment Systems. International Scientific Committee for Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration ICOMOS Boguslaw Szmygin (Ed.)
FRS03140 6060 How to Assess. Built Heritage? Assumptions, Methodologies, Examples of Heritage Assessment Systems. International Scientific Committee for Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration ICOMOS Boguslaw Szmygin (Ed.)
FRS03141 6061 Man-Made Lowlands. A future for ancient dikes in the netherlands The Netherlands Cultural Heritage Agency
FRS03142 6062 Man-Made Lowlands. A future for ancient dikes in the netherlands The Netherlands Cultural Heritage Agency
FRS03143 6063 Man-Made Lowlands. A future for ancient dikes in the netherlands The Netherlands Cultural Heritage Agency
FRS03144 6064 A Future for Mills. Principles for dealing with heritage mills The Netherlands Cultural Heritage Agency
FRS03145 6065 A Future for Mills. Principles for dealing with heritage mills The Netherlands Cultural Heritage Agency
FRS03146 6066 A Future for Mills. Principles for dealing with heritage mills The Netherlands Cultural Heritage Agency
FRS03147 6067 Assessing Museum Collections. Collection valutation in six steps The Netherlands Cultural Heritage Agency