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6980 books
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  ID Titolo Autore  
FRS03399 6368 Il samurai. Da guerriero a icona Moira Luraschi (a cura di)
FRS03400 6369 San Jacopo in Campo Corbolini a Firenze Ludovica Sebregondi
FRS03401 6370 4th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue, Baku 4-6 May 2017. "Advancing Intercultural Dialogue: New Avenues for Human Security, Peace and Sustainable Development". Conference Booklet -----
FRS03402 6371 International Council of Museums ICOM ITALIA. Dalla nascita al 2016 Salvatore Sutera
FRS03403 6372 Atlante dei dissesti delle strutture lignee. Atlas of the Failures of Timber Structures Gennaro Tampone
FRG00741 6373 Scritti d'arte (1996-2007) Antonio Paolucci
FRS03404 6374 Akademia Sztuk Pieknych 70 lat tradycji -----
FRS03405 6375 Retrospektywa 1966-2015. Andrzej A. Sadowski -----
FRP01128 6376 International Institute Lie Beyond Tourism. Anno accademico / Academic Year 2016/2017 -----
FRP01129 6377 La Cupola di Santa Maria del fiore raccontata dal suo progettista Filippo Brunelleschi Giuseppe Conti
FRS03406 6378 IDEE. Katedra Sztuk Wizualnych -----
FRS03407 6379 World Heritage No. 67, April 2013 -----
FRS03408 6380 Memar No5 2014 -----
FRS03409 6381 Memarliq, The first Baku International Architecture Competition -----
FRS03410 6382 Politechnika Wroclawska. Industrial Monuments of Lower Silesia several
FRS03411 6383 Bollettino Architetti, No 123 - Marzo/Aprile 2005 -----
FRS03412 6384 Architecture Theory and Criticism Milena Metalkova-Markova
FRG00742 6385 Wroclaw. Architecture and History Stanislav Klimek
FRS03413 6386 Michelangelo agli Uffizi, dentro e fuori. Lettura del David e del Tondo Doni Antonio Natali
FRS03414 6387 Un mostro grazioso e bello. Bronzino e l'universo burlesco del Nano Morgante Sefy Hendler
FRS03415 6388 Kemerovo SEVERAL
FRS03416 6389 Kamakura. Tsurugaoka Hachimangu -----
FRS03417 6390 Svatoj Ieronim: predstavlenie, poznanie, sotvorenie several
FRS03418 6391 Attualità del passato. La pittura colta di Pang Maokun / The Relevance of the Past. The Cultivated Painting of Pang Maokun Antonio Natali
FLD00092 6392 Viaggio in San Petersburgo 2017 -----
FLD00093 6393 Auguri, ringraziamenti 1/2 -----
FLD00094 6394 Auguri, ringraziamenti 2/2 -----
FLD00095 6395 Kyoto -----
FLD00096 6396 Armenia -----
FRP01130 6397 Sikkim -----